Tuesday, November 26, 2013


For my last topic I would like to talk about how I am so unclear as to why the technique of memorization helps reduce running times while recursing. I just simply don’t understand it at all, like I realize that sometimes in recursion we create an x amount of memory addresses that all point to the same value, but I don’t get why a computer can’t simply go through the whole process in a straightforward manner!!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Today I’m going to talk about binary trees. Now as I understand the situation, I realized that binary trees are recursive structures. Here is the thing I just don’t understand how they are able to store information, and have the nodes linked to each other. In reality they are simply just nodes that have a pointer but nothing really is constructed and I guess that is why they are an abstract data type.

Bsts are a little more complicated because they have conditions on them. No left note is bigger than the root, and no right node is smaller than the root. The latter makes it more efficient for searching for values. I wonder what are the practical implications of the latter?